Create a 16-row key with 4 values repeated over 16 plate rows. Each of the 4 values is repeated over 3x +RT technical replicates and 1x -RT.




Vectors of length 4 describing well contents, e.g. sample_id or target_id


tibble (data frame) with 16 rows, and variables well_row, prep_type, tech_rep, and supplied values.

See also


#> # A tibble: 16 x 4
#>    well_row prep_type tech_rep sample_id
#>    <fct>    <fct>     <fct>    <chr>    
#>  1 A        +RT       1        sheep    
#>  2 B        +RT       1        goat     
#>  3 C        +RT       1        cow      
#>  4 D        +RT       1        chicken  
#>  5 E        +RT       2        sheep    
#>  6 F        +RT       2        goat     
#>  7 G        +RT       2        cow      
#>  8 H        +RT       2        chicken  
#>  9 I        +RT       3        sheep    
#> 10 J        +RT       3        goat     
#> 11 K        +RT       3        cow      
#> 12 L        +RT       3        chicken  
#> 13 M        -RT       1        sheep    
#> 14 N        -RT       1        goat     
#> 15 O        -RT       1        cow      
#> 16 P        -RT       1        chicken